Board of Directors CLAC

The Board of Directors is responsible for the implementation of the Assembly’s mandate. It is composed by representatives of all the regions of the continent, of all the products, as well as of plantation workers certified by the Fairtrade Hired Labor standard.

The body responsible for implementing the established strategic lines by the General Assembly is the Board of Directors, which has a balanced representation of the different subregions and main products of the continent.

Our Board of Directors is form by 15 members that represent product networks, regions and workers. As for products, we find 2 representatives for coffee, 1 for bananas, 1 for cocoa, 1 for fresh fruits and juices, 1 for sugar, 1 for honey, and 2 representatives for the other products. As for the regions, there are 2 members that represent South America, 1 for Central America, 1 for Mexico y 1 for the Caribbean. The Board of Directors is completed with 1 representative for workers.


The Board of Directors was elected in the General Assembly held virtually on January 26th, 27th and 28th, 2022 for the 2022-2024 period. The new board took office at the end of April 2022. It is conformed by the following representatives:

 Region / Product / Network represented  – Name

  • Coffee representative: Baltazar Miguel (Guatemala), who also is the Vicepresident of the Board of Directors of CLAC
  • Coffee representative: Carlos Renato Theodoro (Brasil)
  • Cocoa representative: Luis Mendoza Aguilar (Perú)
  • Banana representative: Marike de Peña (República Dominicana), who is also the President of the Board of Directors of CLAC
  • Sugar cane representative: Andrés González (Paraguay)
  • Fresh fruits and juices representative: Yoriely Villalobos (Costa Rica)
  • Other products representative: Eusebio Encina (Bolivia)
  • Other products representative: Felipe Zúñiga (Chile)
  • Honey representative: Ana Laura Sayago (Argentina)
  • Workers representative:  Hilma Altagracia Díaz (República Dominicana)
  • Mexico representative: Ángel Burgos Barreto (México), who is also the Secretary of the Board of Directos of CLAC
  • Central America representative: Silvia González (Nicaragua)
  • Caribbean representative: Abel Fernández (Dominican Republic)
  • South American representative: Victor Cordero (Colombia)
  • South American representative: Guillermo Aguilar (Perú)

Surveillance Board

The surveillance board is conformed by Andrea Serna of Argentina; Edwin Melo of Ecuador; and Miguel Munguia of México.

Working comissions

The Board of Directors works in comissions that develop strategies and plans about different themes. Know the work of the comissions in these videos.

Inclusion comission report

Advocacy comission report

Climate change comission report

Social compliance comission report

CLAC’s Standards Committee

CLAC’s Standards Committee is a technical commission with permanent work. Established in March 2015, with the purpose of working on everything related to standards within CLAC in order to advise the Board of Directors and support the work of CLAC’s representative in the Standards Committee. It is composed of seven people; from the Board of Directors and former members of the Board of Directors along with CLAC’s representative in Fairtrade´s Standards Committee.

The Committee has the responsibility to give answers to all the requirements from the Standards Unit of Fairtrade International, the Standards Committee of Fairtrade International, CLAC’s Board of Directors, CLAC’s organizations and other parties of the system related to all standards’ topics. CLAC’s Standards Committee reviews and approves the documents that are sent to the Standards Unit and the Standards Committee of Fairtrade International; it follows-up the review processes and consultations of standards, among other activities.


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