Regulatory Framework

The Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fair Trade Small Producers and Workers (CLAC) has an organizational code that guides the actions of both the staff and the various bodies of CLAC, as well as external consultants who are hired to provide particular services or goods.

CLAC’s Organizational Code

CLAC’s Membership Policy

In addition, we have a Membership Policy, which determines the parameters for a small producers organizations or workers committees to belong to CLAC.

Conflict of interest policy

Quality Policy

In CLAC we are committed to represent and strengthen Fairtrade organizations of small producers and workers in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting sustainable development and promoting their empowerment, self-management and human rights to achieve decent livelihoods. All this through the democratic and effective participation of its members, technical support, and advocacy in public policies, within the framework of compliance with applicable requirements and under the approach of continuous improvement of the quality management system, in order to develop activities that ensure the satisfaction of our membership.

Approved by the Board of Directors on November 19, 2019

CLAC’s Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics reflects our commitment to act in accordance with the principles and standards of conduct established herein, in the development of our operations with all stakeholders linked to our operational activity: collaborators, members, producers, workers, consumers and other parties involved.

Code of Ethics – CLAC January 2017

Public Documents

Official Bylaws of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fair Trade Small Producers and Workers (CLAC)

In the following link you can consult the official Bylaws of CLAC registered in the Not-for-Profit Associations and Foundations Registry of El Salvador.

CLAC’s Bylaws

Learn about the modification of the Bylaws approved by CLAC’s General Assembly in 2022

Transparency and audited accountability

For the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fair Trade Small Producers and Workers (CLAC), transparency is not only an ethical commitment and a social responsibility, but also an unquestionable challenge of the organization in coherence with our code of ethics for our members, partners and allies. The following are the Audited Financial Statements for the last fiscal years.

Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism Manual

CLAC has developed this manual in order to comply with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Law and its Regulations, the Instructions of the Financial Investigation Unit for the Prevention of Money and Asset Laundering, the Special Law Against Acts of Terrorism and other related regulations in force in El Salvador.

Manual LAFT – CLAC


In case of irregularities, please send your complaint with the support or evidence that will allow us to help you to: [email protected]


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