In April 2015, the Workers Network was formally created. This network is made up of workers from Fairtrade certified plantations in Latin America and the Caribbean, which produce bananas, flowers, fresh fruit, and wine. Its mission is to achieve empowerment through coordination and representation, allowing their voice to be heard in the Fairtrade system and to participate more actively in decision making.
The Network’s objectives are:
- To build and consolidate the social fabric of workers.
- To promote and disseminate the principles, values, and impact of Fairtrade among certified plantations and other members of the system.
- To coordinate and actively participate in Fairtrade consultation processes related to workers.
- To influence through CLAC in the policies and strategies of Fair Trade.

In this space of recognition, rapprochement and agreement, issues are developed that are aimed at the welfare of workers, their families, and their communities. Among the issues that have had an impact are improvement of working conditions, rapprochement between CLAC and employers to support workers in dialogue, gender inclusion, living wages, training in local labor legislation, support in collective bargaining and empowerment.